Zodiac Signs

Taurus Season: 4 Zodiac Signs Are Now Taking A Giant Step Forward

From April 21st to May 20th we are in Taurus season. However, the next few weeks will not only be dominated by Taurus but will also have a major influence on four other signs of the zodiac – and quite positively!

What influence does the Taurus season have?

From April 21st to May 20th the zodiac sign Taurus rules. What does that mean? The earth sign is known for appreciating the finer things in life and enjoying them to the fullest. This is exactly what is reflected in Taurus season: weeks full of enjoyment, the joy of life, and sensuality await us. These positive vibes are particularly noticeable in four zodiac signs and have the effect of making them take a big step forward in their lives during the Taurus season. We’ll tell you whether you’re one of the lucky ones who will be successful.


Those born under the zodiac sign of Leo are in Ascension mode in the Taurus season. You become an absolute favorite among your friends and colleagues and can convince people with your ideas. These are good conditions for a promotion and/or a raise… Don’t sell yourself short now!


The Capricorn zodiac sign will blossom in Taurus season! You are full of ambition and brimming with new ideas, which can, above all, help you advance professionally. Your efforts will also be noticed by those around you, which could open new doors. Now is truly the best time to make your dreams come true!


Thanks to Mercury, people born in Cancer are absolute masters at finding convincing arguments in Taurus season. So it’s no wonder that you are one of the successful zodiac signs. If you have the right arguments, you can of course convince other people – including your boss when it comes to salary.


Scorpio-borns have a lot of stamina in the Taurus season thanks to Saturn. And this is exactly what can be a great advantage for you when it comes to achieving your goals – regardless of whether they are professional or private. You will be pushed primarily by your environment. Everyone is behind you and supports you on your journey.

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