Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cheat On You

12 Aries

Despite the surprises that it may cause to see Aries in last place on this list, the reality is that this sign is not characterized by disloyalty. Aries likes adrenaline and excitement, but this does not imply a lack of respect for the partner. If he is interested in someone else, he would rather face the pain of a breakup than betray someone he once loved deeply. Infidelity does not correspond to the essence of Aries.

11 Leo

Leo, with a passionate and impulsive heart, occupies the penultimate place. This sign gives itself completely when someone conquers its feelings and does not allow anyone else to enter its life in a significant way. Leo does not tolerate lies and feels betrayed when it is treated as if it were naive. Because it knows its feelings and the type of relationship it wants, Leo avoids infidelity just as it avoids self-betrayal.

10 Taurus

Taurus is distinguished by its loyalty and ability to be pleasant company. Even if you feel like you are in your world, when you trust someone, you become one of the kindest and most loyal people. Formality and respect are essential to Taurus, and they do not tolerate cynicism or disloyalty. Infidelity is something that Taurus would never practice, as it goes against their principles.

9 Aquarius

Aquarius, while not always everyone’s cup of tea, values ​​authenticity in the people around him. Those who dare to get to know him discover that he experiences love with a deep intensity. This intensity means that when a relationship ends, it’s hard to find someone to quickly fill that void. Kisses and new adventures can’t replace the true love that Aquarius seeks.

8 Sagittarius

Sagittarius has a special gift for detecting disloyalty and usually leaves before their heart is broken. Sagittarius’ intuition allows them to avoid painful situations. Infidelity does not suit them, because Sagittarius has known the pain of betrayal and does not wish to cause the same pain. Emotional bonds do not scare them, but they worry about falling in love with someone who also seeks comfort in other lips.

7 Capricorn

Capricorn is characterized by his caution and detailed observation. Beyond trusting your intuition, you use your intelligence to detect when something is wrong. He does not get carried away by illusions and understands that success has its challenges. Infidelity does not fit their personality or their values, since respect for the person with whom they share their life is essential for Capricorn.

6 Virgo

Virgo is in an intermediate position. Although there are signs that can be unfaithful due to temptation, in the case of Virgo it is something deeper. From the beginning, Virgo evaluates the seriousness of a relationship. If you consider love to be temporary, you risk showing an unfaithful side, since you are not afraid of being discovered. However, Virgo is not one of those who maintain two relationships simultaneously. Finally, he chooses only one person.

5 Gemini

Gemini, with their restless spirit and love of adventure, ranks fifth. Their relaxed personality and penchant for risk-taking lead them to get involved with extreme people. New adventures and captivating looks can be tempting for Gemini, who are constantly on the lookout for excitement. This penchant for the unexpected can lead to infidelity since one cannot always resist the lure of the unknown.

4 Scorpio

Scorpio is known for his two contrasting sides, which can be a plus in your ability to love. His passion and tenderness attract many, and he can be extremely loyal provided the other person returns the same level of commitment. However, if he feels betrayed, Scorpio may resort to infidelity to avenge the wrong done. Scorpio’s loyalty is strong, but his ability to teach lessons through betrayal is also remarkable.

3 Libra

Libra surprises me by being in one of the first positions on this list. Although Libra can respect a relationship, their indecision and difficulty in closing cycles can lead them to fall into the temptations of the past. The tendency to want to offer love to everyone and the difficulty in letting go of previous relationships can lead Libra to find themselves involved in situations of infidelity, especially when they have not yet resolved previous emotional issues.

2 Cancer

Cancer’s heart changes are sometimes not entirely under their control. Although they are a sign that feels deeply, their emotions can lead them to act impulsively. When Cancer feels comfortable with someone, what starts as a friendship can evolve into something more intimate. Although you may regret it later, acts of infidelity can occur if you are not careful when close friendships become too important.

1 Pisces

Pisces takes the top spot on the list of the most unfaithful signs. While their sweet exterior can be deceiving, this sign has a rebellious and worrisome side when it comes to matters of the heart. While Pisces is not considered to to hurtting, their instincts sometimes lead them to temptation. Lack of control over their emotional impulses can lead Pisces to be unfaithful, despite their best intentions of not causing harm.

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