Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 25th April 2023


On this festive day, a complicated aspect of our satellite is still taking place. Try not to appear too distrustful of someone who is important to you and who hasn’t done anything to deserve your suspicion. Learn to trust more.


A period begins that finds you protective of someone who has been in trouble lately, and who needs good advice. On Liberation Day, for the Torellis, a comfortable disposition of the Moon is in place. Your good intentions get good feedback.


A person very close to you will instill doubt about an important interpersonal relationship, but which – evidently – has some dark side, which you would like to clarify. The nocturnal star is in Campo dei soldi, for you Geminis, this festive Tuesday…


On Liberation Days, you can strike up new conversations with people you feel can bring a lot to the conversation. A serene conjunction of the Moon continues today, for you Cancers… Then there will be opportunities to get noticed by an attractive person.


A period continues in which there are things to do that you are guilty of postponing. Today, the nocturnal star passes through the House of secret enemies. You have to find the time and willingness to deal with the more uncomfortable complexities. You will be rewarded by someone who appreciates your drive.


A moment continues in which your kindness allows you to obtain recognition from people you would not have expected, who cannot fail to underline your merits. For you, Virgos, the night star is in the harmonious moment, on this day dedicated to Liberation…


On a day of celebration, you are too pessimistic. For Libra, a tiring position of the Moon continues this Tuesday. Try to find the good in the things and people you care about a little research will be enough to find as much as you want, and benefit from it…


For your Water sign, there is a pleasant position of the Moon, on the day of the week that is positive for you… You will experience the day of celebration with a jovial and affectionate attitude, which will earn you the gratitude of a fundamental person for your life.


Today, for you Sagittarius, our satellite is always in the astrological house of transformation… It’s a good opportunity to put your tail between your legs and go and recover a relationship that was compromised by your opinionated attitude of the days from just passed.


On this holiday day, the Moon is in an unpleasant position for Capricorn. You feel insecure and cling to your loved one. Try to recover your independence, and not be considered clingy. Infantilism does not suit your character.


For you Aquarius, the nocturnal star is still in the House of duties, this Tuesday of deeds… You will have the opportunity to resume an activity that had recently passed under the radar but which is now visible again, with all the implications and implications that you like about it.


On Liberation Day, for your Water sign, the nocturnal star is an advantageous moment… You will know how to show your affection towards a person who is waiting for nothing but to feel close again after a period of estrangement. This relationship is revitalized.

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