Zodiac Signs

Which 3 Zodiac Signs Can Look Forward To A Successful Week?

In the last week of August, three signs of the zodiac can once again look forward to a good portion of luck.

Virgo season is in full swing and three signs of the zodiac can look forward to great prospects in the last week of August. We’ll tell you who will be the lucky ones of the week from August 26th and what these signs can expect now.

#1 Aquarius

This week you’re in absolute flirt mode! You’re jumping from date to date and can get loads of compliments. Your partner is impressed by your open-minded nature and you make yourself popular with your seductive looks. Couples are currently on cloud nine and are planning their future together.

You can now score points at work with your creativity. Now it’s all about working as well as possible in a team and being willing to compromise. And you’re doing particularly well at that right now. Financially, you’re in a good position and can treat yourself to something now and then.

The stars are on your side this week and you have enough energy for all the things you want to do. You meet up with friends and have a good time overall. You are completely happy with yourself and your life.

#2 Leo

Singles want to meet new people and finally fall in love again. Until the middle of the week, however, there is not much going on in the way of flirting. But from Thursday onwards, things get going and you meet someone who makes your heart beat faster. Couples make themselves comfortable on the couch and enjoy quality time together.

Wow! You’re going full throttle at work right now and you’re getting a lot of rewards for it. You’re jumping from one big project to the next and having a lot of fun doing it. Who knows, maybe the next pay rise isn’t that far away?

Mars will provide a generous energy boost this week. Jupiter, meanwhile, will ensure a good mood and well-being. You’re enjoying sport at the moment. For maximum relaxation, you should treat yourself to a little wellness break this week to fully recharge your batteries.

#3 Virgo

It’s Virgo season! So it’s no wonder that the stars have chosen you as a lucky child this week. In love, this is particularly noticeable through your erotic attraction. Couples are getting their money’s worth now! For singles, one hot date after another is on the horizon.

At work, you step out of your comfort zone and enjoy wearing the pants. Your self-confidence increases with every compliment you receive from management.

The sun makes you shine both inside and out. The last few weeks have been tough and have taken their toll on you. But now you’re back on track and showing what you’re made of. You’re back in your exercise routine, which is usually so good for you, and you relax in the evenings with a bit of yoga.

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