Zodiac Signs

Discover Your Lucky Day This Week Based on Your Astrological Sign.

This week again, we decipher the celestial vault to tell you what the happiest day will be based on your astrological sign. Find out what your lucky day is the week of November 6 to 12, 2023.

Every week, we comb through the stars to give you the luckiest day based on your astrological sign. In the sky, everything is constantly moving and from one day to the next, astrological trends are never the same. Are you feeling dizzy but still want more details than reading your weekly horoscope? We explain to you how a transit of Mercury on Monday or an alliance between Neptune and the Moon could bring you luck. No need to have completed “astrology LV2”, we translate the language of the sky to give you the trend of the week and allow you, who knows, to organize yourself better. Or at least, to leave on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday morning and say to yourself: “Today is a good day, the stars say so!”


As the Moon prepares to merge with Mars (star of Aries ) in Scorpio, desires to awaken, and energy rises. An excess of passion which inevitably found a pleasant outlet, alone or in pairs, this Sunday for Aries.

“Gling gling” are the finances of Taurus, this Wednesday, November 8. A sale, a transfer, a long-awaited reimbursement: their finances are getting back on track. Jupiter and the Moon combine to offer Taurus a day marked by prosperity.

It’s official: this Thursday marks a beautiful renewal in the life of Gemini. Venus, the star of love and relationships, arrives in Libra for ever more play, lightness, and fun. Gemini feels at home and on this day gets all the favors they want.

The Moon in Scorpio awakens the passionate and determined side of Cancer. At work, in love, in family: they take back the reins. Their morale and self-confidence are high, they can concentrate on what they love the most.

On this New Moon day, the most solar of astrological signs have a festive heart. And his head agrees. His emotions and his reason align, he loves with all his being, in short, he is happy and it’s even better if he shares this moment with his loved ones.

The Moon joins Venus this Wednesday, November 8, to make Virgo particularly warm. She manages to take a step back, to appreciate the moments that would normally have caused her stress. Today, Virgo has everything to take and nothing to lose. Jackpot.

She is finally breathing, her star is back in friendly territory. Venus at home brings luck to Libra this Thursday, November 9. She regains confidence in herself, in her charisma, her power of seduction, and her ability to unite people around her.

This Saturday, Scorpios benefit from a New Moon eve in their favor. Translation: the Sun and the Moon come together to offer them a day in their image. They feel comfortable enough to let loose, enjoy their favorite month of the year, and come up with creative ideas.

They are rarely on “break” but, for once, Sagittarians take their Sunday to rest. They enjoy, during a meal with family or an aperitif with friends, the sweet feeling of being surrounded by their loved ones.

For once, it’s not about luck in business for Capricorns. Whatever, if: their affairs of the heart are back in action. This Wednesday, Uranus and Venus come together to instill in Capricorn the desire to renew itself, to leave for unknown territory. To be continued.

Thursday the 9th marks an ideal time for the love life of Aquarius. Venus and Uranus (Aquarian star) agree to spoil him. On the program: beautiful moments for two for singles and couples alike. Bonus: finances are getting back on track.

Thanks to the New Moon in Scorpio which is approaching, Pisces will take advantage of this Saturday, November 11 to assert themselves and dare to transform the aspects of their life that they no longer like. They sort, choose, make decisions, and… it works out for them.

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